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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thankful, O So Thankful

What a day.

Today was the day that I have been dreading for 2-3 weeks now - Practical Nursing Exam (animals, not people) :)  I'm pretty good at written tests but when I'm being graded on something that I have to actually DO, I freak out and usually mess it up.

I met with some friends over the past week practicing all of the things we have done in lab.  I've discovered that I'm not very good at drawing blood or IV injections, and I've never gotten blood from the jugular vein yet.  Plus although i could do most of the bandages, I'm not confident in them.

For the practical we draw a task from a pile and have to do it.  I think that is kind of what sucks about these kinds of tests- pick the one you aren't good at and you could get a bad grade but the person after you picks something easy and gets a good grade.  Hate that.  So I really hoped that i wouldn't draw IV inection or blood draw.

I have been praying daily that I would do well on the exam and if possible, I could draw physical exam.  Although it was said that this is the test most often failed by students, I desperately wanted it because I studied the book, notes, watched youtube videos, and ran through the test in my head multiple times.  I even had Matthew buy a flea comb at Walmart just so i could use it in case I got physical exam! 

Well, I was asked to pick a piece of paper from the pile. I saw one and was about to take it, but for some reason I had the urge to pick the one UNDER that paper.  PHYSICAL EXAM!  I had to read it twice to be sure.  Being kind of nervous I did skip over a few things that I had practiced but I thought it had went really well.  As I was leaving my teacher said I did a really good job and that she was impressed with how it went!  Of course, now that that's over, I should concentrate on working on some of the things I can't do as well but for tonight it's Pizza Hut pasta, breadsticks, and Hershey sticks :)


  1. Great job!!! You can breathe easier now. Enjoy your Pizza Hut!! You deserve a treat! ;)

  2. Hi Jacquelyn, I discovered your blog from the Challenge and really enjoy the eclectic nature of your posts. I'll be back!


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