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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just When I Thought Winter Was Over

Things were looking up around here - some days were in the 60's and 70's even!  I was able walk around without needing a jacket or long sleeves for a week.  The grass was turning green again and the birds were singing songs together.


Winter has come back to this small town and it's not planning on leaving.  What started out as rain, turned into sleet, hail, and snow and when you have rain and snow at the same time DOORS freeze shut.  Even one of our large animal labs for classes was cancelled because the gates were frozen shut and once you got them open, the freezing rain made them freeze so that you couldn't shut them.  The roads were icy until this afternoon and since the town already turned on the sprinkler systems at the park, there are ice rings everywhere.

School gets out in 3 weeks (I've never been so worried about finals in my entire life) and I'm hoping that I get to enjoy my 5 weeks off by sitting in the sun and taking walks rather than staying inside because of poor weather.

We hope to actually get some flowers to plant on our front porch this year.  All we have out there now are some empty wood planters and a pot with birds on it that looks like it should have been thrown out 6 months ago.  Plus, every other apartment in our square has a windchime...I feel that we should get one in order to fit in :)


  1. Almost every plant I've had on my front porch has died, so now I just keep some pretty planters - empty! - out there for decoration. :)

    Happy A-Z!

  2. My flower are starting to bloom here. I am READY for summer!! My favorite time of year!
    Peanut Butter and Whine


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