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Friday, April 12, 2013

Keep Your Eyes Open

A short thought for tonight before heading to bed...

By our sinful nature, our eyes are focused on ourselves most of the time.  Our problems come first, then family's, friends, and maybe strangers.  It is a first thought to look after ourselves first.  But if you slow down and really take the time to observe other people - their actions and words and emotions - they struggle too.  And people can't get through their trials alone.

Perhaps if we are more willing to keep our eyes open for others, a chain reaction could occur where one person helps another in any way they can - money, provisions, time, prayer - and the goodness of God's grace and love is shown through us.  And maybe its not that we don't see the need, it's just scary to reach out.  But if you never take that chance, then you'll never know what wonderful things could have happened.

Don't close your eyes or look away.  Keep them wide open!


  1. Enjoyed the post very much. Thanks.


  2. What a beautiful post! This is one of my favourites I've come across today.

    Have fun with a-z. :)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments :)


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