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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Before I Forget: Thoughts from Today

- If you have to do something at school before class, it doesn't matter how early you leave.  95% of the time, you will be 3 or more minutes late for class...

-Computers and machines are mysterious things - you never know when they decide that today they are taking a vacation.

-Plans change

-You can find out that you have a lot in common with someone by just taking 30 minutes to talk with them.

-I've had cheesy potatoes with every meal since Easter dinner.  I think it's time to stop no matter how good those things are.

- I really wish I had some cheesy popcorn right now. It's too bad that Orville Redenbacker (um, spelling?) doesn't make the pour on cheese kind anymore - that stuff was wicked good.

- I really don't want to work with cows tomorow.  It's just not my thing.

-The tractors have made so many deep rutts in the road going up to school that I'm shocked my car hasn't randomly fallen apart yet from the bump clank clank BUMP shake BUMP of the road.

-Matthew should be home soon.  Gonna go defrost some pancakes for dinner.  (Oh come on, you've done that too.)


  1. Pancakes are an excellent choice for dinner. Ditto cheesy popcorn and/or potatoes!

    Jenny at Choice City Native

  2. Your blog is so pretty!
    We had cheesy potatoes with Easter dinner, then I added leftover ham and made a dinner casserole that we've had for the past two nights. I think I've officially reached my cheesy potato limit...till Thanksgiving or Christmas. :)
    Laura @ The Sweet Simple Things


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