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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More Than Reasons

       I remember in high school and in college, I considered myself an independent woman - although I loved having Matthew come over and spend time together, I NEEDED to have time to myself and if we were spending too much time together, I'd often get frustrated and start arguments that weren't necessary.  I do regret those times, because I'm sure they hurt his feelings.  So what was I going to do when we were actually married and would be together even more often??

       Matthew and I have now been married for about 8 months, and my perspective has completely changed.  He's at a conference this week so I have the to house to myself which would normally have given me some needed alone time.  But to be truthful, it's way too quiet around here!  It's amazing how many things you notice that you miss when the one you love isn't around.  So I came up with a list of a few reasons (this is a very incomplete list...as if I ever could COMPLETE one) why he makes my days seem that much brighter...

He encourages me - It's funny how God brings together two people who fill each others' voids.  I often struggle with confidence and self-esteem and some days can really get me down.  But he senses my hurt (I don't know how he does that so well) tells me that I'm good at what I do and that all those problems are nothing God can't handle.

He cares about my opinions - Money, schedules, life decisions, even movies and shirt colors.  We make decisions about lots of things together and I'm grateful for that.

He tries his best - I'm amazed at the work that my husband puts into his job.  Even though he has only been working at this place for about 7 months, it sounds like he's helping make good decisions and making positive changes for the department.  Even on his days off, if someone needs help over the phone, he is more than willing to stop what he is doing and help them.

He's my protector - One of the most comforting things he does is let me cry on his shoulder and he doesn't immediately try to make it better or ask lots of questions - I'm just allowed to let things go.

He buys me flowers - I really love flowers

He's smart - I always thought smart guys were attractive and I ended up marrying a very intelligent Computer Science and Mathamatics major.  Lucky me :)

He drives - I hate driving in big towns and on the interstate.  Even though Matthew gets tired of it sometimes, he drives the whole trip because he knows I don't like it.

He loves to play Lego Wii games with me - The Lego games are, I think, an ideal game for couples.  You work together towards a common goal but you can go your own ways and do stuff.  Plus you get to run over each other with cars and the occasional elephant.

He does dishes - We both HATE doing dishes, but he takes over sometimes :)

He has faith - Often when we talk about problems in life, he tells me to ask God for help and pray about it often.  It's a comforting thing to hear.

His love is unconditional -  After an argument, when I'm sick, when I'm upset or when we are happy, thankful, and joyful, he always tells me how he is with me for the good and bad no matter what life throws our way.  And THAT makes me feel like I can take on the world with him and God at my side.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, what a beautiful list. :) Friends of ours took a three-day honeymoon to the big city which included a day where she went to Ikea and he went somewhere else... because they need time apart in their relationship. They've now been married over five years and I don't know if they still need that "space," but there are times when I agree that it's important that couples take time apart - in order to come together again later. Last year, my husband let me go to the States for a weekend. I was happy to go - and happier to come home again. :)


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