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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Compliment: Random Thoughts of Today

-Our school held a drawing today for some scholarships to be used for next year.  If you met certain criteria such as activities, grades, financial need etc, your name was put in a coffee can and winners were randomly chosen.  Although I didn't win one, I was really happy for those who did.  It seems that so many of the scholarships today are based on high GPA's or how thin you can spread yourself among various activities to make yourself look good on paper.  Is it really fair to always award money to the highest achieving of multiple applicants?  I know some students that work REALLY hard to get good grades and I know some people who hardly work at all and get excellent grades.  Everyone deserves a chance.

-The past week I've had a really rough time with self-esteem and other things.  Plus, all the tests and homework are piling up and it never seems to end.  I received a compliment today that, although it didn't give me an AHA! moment and make me super motivated, gave me a sense of peace that God knows what I need and when I need it.

-Baby sloths are adorable; go watch some videos of them on Youtube...

-In the past, I've rearranged my schedule for hanging out with friends, appointments, school projects, and even for sleeping (no surprises there, right?)  But do we ever consider rearranging our schedules for God?  I admit my time with God was and sometimes is still sparse and I think of it after doing homework, eating supper, playing games, reading fiction books, etc.  What do daily devotions/readings do for us anyways?  If we really TRULY want daily time with God, we must have a goal that we can look toward.  Do you want to learn more about biblical stories, find something in the Word about a problem you are facing, or learn more about prayer?  I'm not saying those One Year devotion books with random topics each day aren't helpful, but we can't "mindlessly" read through a few paragraphs and call it time well spent with God.  Read, watch, or whatever you do with purpose.

What about you? Do you think having a spiritual goal is helpful?

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