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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Glory in the Storm

Sorry about not getting this posted for the A - Z blogging challenge yesterday.  We had a pretty good storm last night (lightning included) so we unplugged all electronics and I wanted to save  my computer battery in case we needed to check the weather!

So about 7:00 last night it started to rain at a fairly steady pace - it was relaxing to listen to while I worked on some scrapbooking.  But while calling my parents, it started to sound like millions of marbles were hitting our roof (tin roofs are VERY loud).  Great -hail.  The wind was picking up and sounded pretty mean even from inside the house.  The thunder and lightning kept me from sleeping for quite a while and I was pretty tired this morning.

But I loved every minute of it (eh, minus the hail.  But the car didn't take any damage)

There is SOMETHING about storms that I just can't get over.  I love listening to them while I read and if I could sit ouside and watch the storm without worrying about getting struck by lightning, I totally would.  I think maybe the reason I find them so fascinating and beautiful is because a storm shows just how awesome and powerful God is.  He can take blinding light, roaring thunder, and rain to make something that both shows his power and helps refresh the earth at the same time.  Plus, don't you love the shine of everything after it rains? It's almost like painting a coat of gloss over everything for a few hours to make it shine.  Plus, I'm sure the farmers around here were excited for the good amount of moisture we received :)


  1. I agree, Jacquelyn. There is something majestic and powerful about a storm that makes one look to our creator if we are so inclined as you and I are. May you continue to grow in your life adventure with your sweetheart. I look forward to stopping back again. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

  2. We had a thunder storm last night too. It was nice after having snow the week before. I love a storm at night when I'm ready to go to sleep. It relaxes me. Odd, I know.

    History Sleuth's Writings A to Z


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