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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Figure it Out

No, I'm not talking about that guessing game show that used to be on Nickalodeon...

Problems and decisions are challenging things, especially for me.  If there is something I'm worried about or a problem that needs to be fixed, it's VERY difficult for me to sleep or even think about anything else until I find a solution that will work.  Unfortunately, there aren't always situations that we can control or solve ourselves and it can be frustrating to not be able to do anything about that problem.  It can make you feel helpless not being able to control a situation.

Right now I struggle with schoolwork, missing friends from home, worrying about the future, etc.  And I haven't been able figure out what I, myself, can do about it.  But I have figured out a few things:

1.  Prayer is important in times of worry

2.  Worrying doesn't really help.  It just wears you down like tire treads (only 100x faster)

3.  Years from now I can look back and say "I overcame that hurdle" and even though we are always being presented with more, God doesn't give us more than we can handle.

So if the Maker of the universe thinks I can handle it, why worry so much?


  1. Oh girl, you are so not alone in this. The best thing for me to remember is that even if I can't necessarily handle it on my own, God can take my problems and take care of them for me! Also, I don't have to figure everything out-- I can leave things like the future in God's hands. :) I worry so much, and it's so silly, because God has my every need taken care of and will give me exactly what HE knows I need, exactly at the right time! :) I've written a lot of blog posts on this, lol. :)

  2. Amen sister!
    It's great that we can rely on HIM :)



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